Please ensure you continue to carry out healthy hygiene practices. These include:
Washing your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.
Covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze and disposing of used tissues immediately in the nearest bin.
Avoiding touching your face. Your hands come into contact with many surfaces and, once contaminated, can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth where it can enter your body.
From 29 March 2022, mask-wearing will only be required for indoor settings for persons who are 6 years old and above, outside of their homes.
Mask-wearing will be optional in outdoor settings. However, persons are encouraged to continue to wear their masks especially in crowded outdoor areas, as masks reduce the expulsion and transmission of droplets, which is the predominant route of transmission of COVID-19. Masks also provide personal protection should there be contact with infected persons who have very mild symptoms or may not show any symptoms.
An SHN is a legal notice issued under the Infectious Diseases Act, which directs its recipients to remain in their place of residence or SHN-Dedicated Facilities (SDF)at all times for a stipulated period. Basic essentials such as portable water, cleaning supplies as well as daily meals (three times a day based on dietary preference) will be provided by the SDF. Should you require extra food and essentials, you may opt for home delivery services or enlist the help of others.
Most travellers do not need to serve an SHN, unless they are not fully vaccinated with WHO EUL vaccines. If you need information on entry requirements when travelling to Singapore, or are unsure whether you need to serve an SHN, please visit this website to find out more.
For further information on Stay-Home Notice, visit the website here.
Absolutely not. Checks will be made, and any student found to be breaking their SHN requirement will face strict penalties that could include expulsion from Curtin Singapore, cancellation of Student’s Pass for international students, or even prosecution under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act.
For further information on Stay-Home Notice, visit the website here.
Do not come to campus. You should contact the nearest clinic to advise them of your symptoms and that you need to see a doctor. They will advise you of any special requirements. If you need to see a doctor again, it is very important that you go back to the same doctor as they will know better how to treat you. Do not change from one clinic to another.
The temporary vaccinated status on the TraceTogether app may expire 30 days or 180 days (only for travellers who uploaded their QR codes while applying for the Vaccinated Travel Pass) after your arrival in Singapore. If you require your vaccination status beyond the temporary status granted, please visit a private healthcare provider or Public Health Preparedness Clinics for a serology test. Please call in advance to check if the service is available, and bring along your personal identification documents, vaccination certificate(s), as well as translated copies if necessary.
If your serology test is positive, the private healthcare provider will enter your vaccination records into the National Immunisation Registry (NIR). Your vaccinated status will be updated in the TraceTogether app within 24 hours and you will continue to be eligible for VDS.
TraceTogether is a technological solution to combat the spread of COVID-19 via contact tracing. All travellers will be required to utilise the TraceTogether app, or obtain a TraceTogether token during their stay in Singapore.
Prior to arriving in Singapore, travellers should check that their mobile devices are compatible with the TraceTogether app, download it on their mobile devices, and register their mobile number and profile on the app. Travellers must register their profile on the app with the same identification number, nationality and date of birth as those shown in the passport that they are using to enter Singapore. A TraceTogether (TT) App setup guide for travellers can be found here.
Visitors who are unable to download the TraceTogether App on their mobile devices should consider renting a TraceTogether compatible mobile device once they have entered Singapore.
Visitors must click on the ‘ACTIVATE APP’ button on their TraceTogether app holding screen immediately after they have cleared arrival immigration in Singapore and follow the instructions to activate the app.
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