Applying for your Student’s Pass
Curtin Singapore will lodge your Student’s Pass application to Immigration and Check Points Authority of Singapore on your behalf once we receive your Acceptance of Offer form, signed Standard PEI-Student Contract and payment.
You will need to submit the required documents to apply for your Student’s Pass no later than the closing date for your first study period specified below. Student’s Pass processing will then generally take approximately 2 to 4 weeks. Processing time may take longer on a case-by-case basis subject to ICA’s approval. To receive your Student’s Pass approval on time, you must send us the required documents before the closing date. Curtin Singapore is unable to allow you to attend your course or access its learning systems until you have received a valid Student’s Pass for your course. You must provide a copy of your valid Student’s Pass to Curtin Singapore upon request.
Student’s Pass application documents
You will need to submit the following document before we can lodge your Student’s Pass application:
- One set of completed Eform
- One recent passport-size photograph. Refer to the ICA digital photograph guidelines
- Translated and certified copy of your birth certificate
Additional documents required if one of your parents/spouse is a Singaporean national (citizen or PR)
- Copy of your parent’s/spouse’s Marriage Certificate
- Parent’s/spouse’s highest education certificate
- Parent’s/spouse’s Letter of Employment (the letter should state the date of commencement of employment, designation, and salary per month), or a copy of Business Registration Certificate (an Instant Computer Printout is acceptable), if your parent/spouse is self-employed. These documents should not be issued more than one month ago
- Parent’s/spouse’s monthly CPF contribution for the past 12 months
- Parent’s/spouse’s Income Tax Assessment Notices for the past three years
We will declare the information as stated on Eform. The evidence of financial proof will only be submitted to ICA if requested. It is an offence under the Immigration Act to make any false statement, representation or declaration in connection with a student’s pass application.
Further information about immigration policies in Singapore can be found on the Singapore Government’s Immigration & Checkpoints Authority website.
Student’s Pass approval
When your Student’s Pass is approved, you will receive an In-Principle Approval Letter (IPA) via email. You are strongly advised to make travel arrangement only upon receiving the IPA letter.
If a medical report is required (as stated in the IPA letter), you may complete the medical check-up in your home country or in Singapore.
Completion of Student’s Pass formalities
Our Admissions officers will provide you with the ICA appointment details for your Student’s Pass formalities before your course commencement. You must complete your formalities for Student’s Pass with ICA at the appointed time in order to commence your study with Curtin Singapore.