Curtin Singapore researchers

Curtin has become a leading institution for progressive research and collaboration. As we look to build on this momentum, we aim to strike a balance between demand-driven research, which solves defined problems for industry and society, and researcher-driven research, which is characterised by a desire to push the limits of understanding.


Curtin Singapore ASEAN Centre

The Curtin Singapore ASEAN Centre established in 2020 acts as an umbrella for research activities undertaken at Curtin Singapore including in conjunction with researchers at other Curtin Campuses and Curtin’s key strategic partners. Our focus is on building research networks with an emphasis on the UN Sustainable Development Goals to address key challenges in Singapore and the ASEAN Region. We have expertise in gender issues and equality, future of work, responsible leadership and governance, health and well-being and the circular economy.


Our research specialisations

Our strengths lie in a versatile ecosystem of academics with interest and experience, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with a focus on developing solutions that will lead to sustainable futures. Our aim is for our research to address problems for society, industry, and business, as well as extending the realm of human knowledge and discovery which improves our understanding of ourselves and our ever-changing world. As such, our current research focuses on:

  • Future of Work (for SDG 8)
  • Gender and Equality (for SDG 5)
  • Responsible Leadership (for SDG 17)
  • Corporate Governance (for SDG 17)
  • Health and Well-being (for SDG 3)
  • Responsible Consumption and the Circular Economy (for SDG 12)
  • Affordable and clean energy (for SDG 7)
  • Climate Action (for SDG 13)

We invite you to leverage our experience, networks, facilities and research expertise as we work together to find innovative solutions and explore new possibilities. 


Researcher contacts

Professor Alex Stojcevski
Pro Vice-Chancellor and President
Research Interests: Energy Transition, Renewable Energy, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, STEM Education
Google Scholar

Dr Adrian Tan
Research Director
Research Interests: Work and Employment, Future of Work, Intersection of Education and Work, Digitalisation Phenomena, Circular and Socially Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Dr Carolyn Koh
Director Research External Engagement
Research Interests: Cross-cultural Studies and Organisational Behaviour, Responsible Leadership and Ethics, Sustainable Development and CSR

Dr Nguyen Thu Thuy Tien (Tien)
Co-lead for Gender Research Network (Curtin Singapore)
Research Fellow
Research Interests: Board Gender Diversity, Corporate Governance, Board Capital

Dr Nicolas van der Nest
Research Fellow
Research Interests: Supply Chain Management, Supplier Relationship Management, Trust

Dr Charles Wang
Research Interests: Economic Analysis of Public Policy, Political Economy of Regulation, Corporate Governance, Applied Econometrics, Experimental Economics

Dr Ronnie Soh
Research Interests: Corporate Governance

Dr Zahirah Zainol
Research Interests: Product and Brand Authenticity, Country of Origin, Consumer Behaviour, Luxury Branding

Dr Nik Chong
Research Interests: Employee Engagement, Recruitment and Selection, Quality Management, Responsible Leadership

Dr Justin Kung
Research Interests: Sustainability and Marketing, Sustainable Events Management, Sports Marketing