Curtin’s international research reputation continues to grow and covers a diverse range of research areas that aim to make tomorrow better. To contribute further to Curtin’s research reputation, Curtin Singapore is actively building its research capacity focusing on issues that are of relevance to Singapore and the ASEAN Region.
Major areas of interest include business and finance and health-related research. We are interested in partnering with industry and government to find solutions or address research problems. For more information regarding Curtin’s expertise please download the Curtin Singapore Research Capability Statements or contact
Postgraduate Research
Curtin offers research courses in most study areas, for those students who have a master degree or bachelor degree with first or upper second class honours. At least two-thirds of these degrees must be pure research. Some students may need to complete coursework units but the major part of the work will be in the form of a thesis written under the guidance of a supervisor.
There are opportunities for students enrolled in doctoral programs to undertake their research in Singapore and to be located at Curtin Singapore. For more information contact
Curtin University Global Campuses Brown Bag Seminar Series
The Curtin University Global Campuses Brown Bag Seminar Series is a platform to share research work being conducted across Curtin Global Campuses and to engage in rich discussions and provide constructive feedback related to research topics being presented. This series also aim to practice the cross-fertilisation of knowledge and stimulate new research ideas and partnerships
The first webinar was hosted by Curtin Singapore and presented by Dr Adrian Tan, Research Director and Research Fellow at Curtin Singapore, where he shared his research on ‘Exploring the future of work: Importance of well-being and quality of work-life’.

Curtin leads Australia Awards Women in Leadership Journey 5
Curtin is working with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in support of the Aus4Vietnampartnership, delivering the fifth Australia Awards Women in Leadership Journey (WILJ5). The short course, led by Curtin academics in conjunction with the Vietnam Australia Centre (VAC), upholds the diplomatic relationship in a gender-equitable manner by supporting women’s representation in leadership positions and influencing decision-making. The course will be delivered to senior Vietnamese Government officials as a critical training activity to build leadership capacity and advance equity and equality policies, especially with respect to gender.
WILJ5 was launched in Hanoi on March 25 & 26 and opened by Australian Embassy Development Counsellor Cherie Russell. Curtin representatives Professor Vanessa Chang (Pro Vice-Chancellor Business and Law), Professor Linley Lord (Pro Vice-Chancellor and President, Curtin Singapore) and Dr Samantha Owen (Director of Gender Equity and Inclusion / Academic Co-Lead of the Gender Research Network) officially closed the proceedings.
Curtin’s project team includes gender-focused experts and researchers Dr Tien Nguyen, Dr Khuong Truong, Professor Kantha Dayaram, Professor Julia Richardson, Professor Jaya Dantas, Associate Professor Astghik Mavisakalyan, Dr Lili Loan Vu, Dr Steve Brown, Professors Chang and Lord and Dr Owen.